+52 271 712 1009 info@manufacturera.com.mx

Quality assurance

Quality assurance is fundamental for 3M’s Manufacturer; under this concept we coordinate every activity to operate and control every process that the company designs to be oriented to fulfil the clients’ requirements.

We have a strict quality control of our products and services, we make test such as ultrasound and penetrating liquids tests (Non-destructive tests).

In our laboratories:


  • Sands, we guarantee a model process for the foundry of parts.
  • Metallurgy, in which we manage our products ‘calibration and we control our measuring equipment. For this reason, we have blocks and standard meter with traceability regarding CENAM.

Likewise, we make a rigorous inspection of our materials with the purpose of guaranteeing their quality, quantity and correct assembly. 

Estamos para servirte

Prol. de av. 3 José B. Lizardi, calles 43 y 45, Zona Industrial, 94690 Córdoba, Veracruz

+ 52 271 712 1009
